A helping hand to start your family.
Initially it starts as an exciting expedition into your next life stage. But when falling pregnant isn’t happening, it’s not unusual to need some help. We want to assure you that there is a way forward and sometimes it takes some investigation, alignment and specialised support.
To give you the best possible chance of having a baby, we are committed to you at every stage of your experience.
Types of fertility support

Everyone is different. Life choices, family history, personal health and timing can all contribute to what type of fertility plan may be a good fit. That’s why we take the time to really get to know your situation in our dedicated and detailed fertility appointments. With this understanding approach, as well as rigorous and thorough testing, we uncover your most effective path forward.
Please note: All our fertility work is completed through a world-leading clinic, Genea Hollywood Fertility Centre, so you will receive the best level of care every step of the way.
Types of treatment can include:
Tracking and identifying ovulation to help time intercourse, maximising your chances of natural conception.
Counts your remaining fertile egg supply to give you a greater understanding of your chances of falling pregnant.
The use of medication to encourage maturation of an egg followed by a trigger allowing you and your partner to be confident in getting the timing of conception right. Ovulation induction is usually the treatment of choice for women who don’t ovulate consistently (or at all!).
Assisting intrauterine insemination to increase the number of sperm reaching the fallopian tube. This less invasive option, should it be appropriate for you will always be considered before sending you down the path to IVF.
Egg and sperm are combined in a laboratory setting and the resulting embryos are developed in our world leading incubation system. If successful, an embryo is implanted in the uterus after 5 days of growth.
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) implants a single sperm directly into the centre of an egg with the assistance of an embryologist. This treatment is best suited to couples where a diagnosis of male factor subfertility has been made.
PGS is a treatment where the chromosomes of an embryo are examined prior to the embryo being transferred back into the uterus. This allows for both a higher success rate of IVF/ICSI treatment in addition to reducing the chance of abnormal pregnancies or early miscarriage.
If you are at the point in your life where you’re not sure of what might lie ahead, but want to make sure you have every chance of achieving your future reproductive goals then you may want to discuss the possibility of egg freezing.
At Genea Hollywood Fertility we have exclusive use of the worlds first automated vitrification instrument to freeze eggs and embryos.
Diagnostic laparoscopy can assist in investigation and treatment of possible anatomic reasons you may be having trouble falling pregnant.
Contact us to find out more.
Genea - Hollywood Fertility

In addition to choosing the right person to assist you on your fertility journey, ensuring you have access to leading technology is key when considering fertility treatments. All our fertility work is done through world leading Genea Hollywood Fertility.
There is a difference between the technologies used in IVF labs and subsequently, your chances of success. Genea draws on 30 years of experience in the field to offer the latest, most innovative technologies in the fertility sector.
Protecting your embryos, sperm and eggs in optimal fluid, offering consistency in freezing results and allowing embryos to grow in the most ideal environment all maximise the potential for you to have a baby in the least number of cycles possible.

The chance of conception in any given month of trying is approximately 20%. Whilst this may seem low the cumulative pregnancy rate after trying for 12 consecutive months is approximately 85%.
For women under 35, subfertility is considered when there is absence of a successful pregnancy after a year of trying to conceive. For women over 35, it's best to book in after 6 months of trying.
Yes. Speak to your GP before you book to organise a referral and any preemptive tests (ie. bloodwork) needed.
At the time of booking, you’ll be told about any information you need to prepare for us or any tests needed in advance. Here’s the kind of information that’s helpful if you have it on hand:
- A list of any medications or drugs you and your partner take. This includes vitamins, alcohol or tobacco consumption and any recreational drug use
- Information about any prior tests you’ve had
- Ask your parents prior to coming in if you had any issues at birth or early childhood
- Whether anyone if you or your partner’s families, male or female, have had any fertility problems or if there are any conditions that are known to run in the family
- A list of all symptoms currently being experienced, even if they seem unrelated to fertility (eg. chronic headaches, anxiety, lack of sleep etc)
- Personal information including major life changes or stresses.
Yes, fertility problems can stem from either partner or a combination of both. So both you and your partner should attend the initial consultation. (Both of you will require a referral - most GP’s are happy to write a referral for both of you!)
Fertility can be influenced by so many different factors and as such, we use several different methods to identify exactly why you’re having trouble so we can figure out the best treatment possible. These tests include:
- Cervical cancer screening to check your cervical health as well as to look for any hidden infection that may impact upon your ability to conceive
- Ultrasounds and/or x-rays of your fallopian tubes and uterus (known as a hysterosalpingogram or an HSG). This identifies any blockages in your fallopian tubes or other underlying obstructive uterine pathology
- Blood tests (including an assessment/tracking cycle) to screen for chromosomic abnormalities, carrier screening (if requested), AMH (ovarian reserve testing), thyroid function testing as well as pre-pregnancy screening (anaemia and iron assessment, HBV, HCV, HIV, TPPA, rubella) and a screening panel identifying causes of early pregnancy loss
- If indicated (based on history and symptoms) a hysteroscopy/laparoscopy may be recommended to check your pelvis for any abnormalities or conditions such as endometriosis that can be successfully treated in order to increase your chance of conception.
Fertility is not just a female-centric concern. If you’re a man and have concerns about your own fertility there are several tests available to help. These include:
- Semen analysis, which tests for any abnormalities in your sperm and looks for low sperm counts
- Blood tests to look at hormone levels, as well as testing for any genetic abnormalities or underlying syndromes.

The chance of conception in any given month of trying is approximately 20%. Whilst this may seem low the cumulative pregnancy rate after trying for 12 consecutive months is approximately 85%.
For women under 35, subfertility is considered when there is absence of a successful pregnancy after a year of trying to conceive. For women over 35, it's best to book in after 6 months of trying.
Yes. Speak to your GP before you book to organise a referral and any preemptive tests (ie. bloodwork) needed.
At the time of booking, you’ll be told about any information you need to prepare for us or any tests needed in advance. Here’s the kind of information that’s helpful if you have it on hand:
- A list of any medications or drugs you and your partner take. This includes vitamins, alcohol or tobacco consumption and any recreational drug use
- Information about any prior tests you’ve had
- Ask your parents prior to coming in if you had any issues at birth or early childhood
- Whether anyone if you or your partner’s families, male or female, have had any fertility problems or if there are any conditions that are known to run in the family
- A list of all symptoms currently being experienced, even if they seem unrelated to fertility (eg. chronic headaches, anxiety, lack of sleep etc)
- Personal information including major life changes or stresses.
Yes, fertility problems can stem from either partner or a combination of both. So both you and your partner should attend the initial consultation. (Both of you will require a referral - most GP’s are happy to write a referral for both of you!)
Fertility can be influenced by so many different factors and as such, we use several different methods to identify exactly why you’re having trouble so we can figure out the best treatment possible. These tests include:
- Cervical cancer screening to check your cervical health as well as to look for any hidden infection that may impact upon your ability to conceive
- Ultrasounds and/or x-rays of your fallopian tubes and uterus (known as a hysterosalpingogram or an HSG). This identifies any blockages in your fallopian tubes or other underlying obstructive uterine pathology
- Blood tests (including an assessment/tracking cycle) to screen for chromosomic abnormalities, carrier screening (if requested), AMH (ovarian reserve testing), thyroid function testing as well as pre-pregnancy screening (anaemia and iron assessment, HBV, HCV, HIV, TPPA, rubella) and a screening panel identifying causes of early pregnancy loss
- If indicated (based on history and symptoms) a hysteroscopy/laparoscopy may be recommended to check your pelvis for any abnormalities or conditions such as endometriosis that can be successfully treated in order to increase your chance of conception.
Fertility is not just a female-centric concern. If you’re a man and have concerns about your own fertility there are several tests available to help. These include:
- Semen analysis, which tests for any abnormalities in your sperm and looks for low sperm counts
- Blood tests to look at hormone levels, as well as testing for any genetic abnormalities or underlying syndromes.
Contact Us

6 Sheen St. Subiaco WA 6008 | P 9381 2400